Pen und paper adventures (PuPA) is a solo dungeon crawler inspired by classics like d&d, and Four against Darkness (which we highly recommend) focused on randomized dungeon generation, exploration and character development. By the end of each game session, you will have drawn a daunting set of labyrinthic connected rooms filled with events, traps and monsters that you can even use as a game master for your very own games.

To avoid flicking through a rulebook searching amid dozens of tables, we are creating a companion app that automates all that randomization process in an easy visual way, so you can just focus on the good stuff!

Our goal with PuPA is to give the players a highly portable dungeon crawler thay can just play anywhere with minimal preparation.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Made withGodot, Adobe Photoshop
Tagsapp-assisted, Board Game, Dice, Dungeon Crawler, solo
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsTouchscreen, Accelerometer, Smartphone
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast


Pen und Paper Adventures rulebook 4.4 MB
Pen und Paper Adventures Libro de Reglas Español 3.9 MB
PuPA (Linux)
PuPA (Windows)
PuPA (Android)
Character Sheet 3.3 MB

Install instructions

You need to read through the rulebook in order to play PuPA.

Please, also join our discord channel to be part of the conversation, and provide us with your valuable feedback:


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La invitación de Discord esta expirada.

intenta con este enlace:

dice lo mismo...

Pues no lo entiendo, la verdad, voy a poner otra vez el enlace a ver si cuela:

Se lo he pasado a amistades por whatsapp (el mismo enlace) y me comentan que les funciona bien.

De todos modos, si no te funciona y tienes alguna duda respecto al juego puedes comentarla aqui mismo

Web browser version is working again.

La version web browser funciona de nuevo.

Web browser version is down, we´ll fix this as soon as posible.

La version web broser esta caída, lo arreglaremos tan pronto como sea posible.

Finalmente hemos terminado de traducir las reglas de PuPA al Español. Échale un ojo el la seccion de descargas!

We finally have finished translating PuPA rulebook into Spanish!

We have started translating PuPA into Spanish! 

Y hemos creado una seccion de Discord completamente en Español!

Si me quereis, venirse!

(1 edit)

Join our Discord channel!

We are more than eager to read your feedback about the game, the problems and bugs found during your runs, and of course, your ideas on how to improve PuPA!

Also, be up to date with our latest news and features by joining our Discord channel:

(1 edit)

idaho06 found some very unfair rule typos while testing it, so we decided to change some stuff:

  • Base traits (Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity) can no longer be negative values, and no character starts with a zero on those traits.
  • Skills that were fueled using base traits now no longer require the user to spend trait points. From now on, they will be spending experience point to activate those skills.
  • Base defense is lowered by one in order to prevent characters to scalate too quickly in the defense value. 
  • Retreat mechanic is now also paid using experience points instead of traits.

We are also concerned that these new changes will dramatically make the game easier, so we are giving a thoroughful thought on some more changes that can make it more challenging.

Have fun in the dungeons!

Ar last, all rulebook illustrations are completed!

Please share your comments, we are eager to hear about your adventures´ ups and downs.


While we receive some feedback on the game, i'm currently working on art for the rulebook. 

Aware that there is stuff that needs to be changed in the game system, we are currently looking for feedback.

So please, share your thoughts.